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Bucura-te de experiente unice, cu tricoul Polo Koster, de la Helly Hansen, inspirat din aventurile maritime!
Confectionat cu atentie din bumbac organic moale tip pique, tricoul polo Koster imbina perfect eleganta cu sustenabilitatea. Gulerul si mansetele cu nervuri adauga un plus de rafinament, evidentiind atentia la detalii a brandului Helly Hansen.
Nasturii discreti aduc un element subtil, permitandu-ti sa ajustezi nivelul de confort in functie de preferinte si temperatura.
Certificat OEKO-TEX, acest tricou polo se remarca prin angajamentul Helly Hansen fata de siguranta produselor si un sistem de aprovizionare transparent si sustenabil.
Caracteristici | Atribut |
Categorie | Tricou polo |
Brand | Helly Hansen |
Sporturi | Lifestyle |
Gen | Barbati |
Varsta | Adulti |
Culoare | Rosu |
Producator | Helly Hansen AS, P.b. 1653 Vika, 0120 Oslo, Norway |
Importator | Sport Vision Doo, Bani 75, Zagreb |
Founded in Norway in 1877, Helly Hansen continues to develop its technology materials inspired by Scandinavian design, worrying about how to adapt one of the harshest winter conditions for survival on the planet. The brand represents the optimal combination of performance, protection and style. Progressive design Helly Hansen provides protection and helps professionals in their survival in the ocean and mountains around the world.
Behind the company is a long list of innovations and first applied technologies on the market, waterproof materials, which have begun to apply in its production even 130 years ago. First fleece 1960s, the first basic layers of material made by technology "Lifa® Stay Dry Technology" in the 1970s, and today the winners of the "H2Flow" technology for temperature control. Helly Hansen is a global leader in the sale of equipment in which they are making use materials with high technology. You are the official distributors of the more than 60 different ski resorts, their gear worn over 33,000 professionals who are dealing with the mountains all over the world as well as national ski teams, Olympic athletes and recreational sports egizibicionih.
The products of the brand, including ski equipment, clothing and shoes are sold in more than 40 countries, and in Romania it can be found in the Sport Vision stores.
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